PMCA has significant experience in a large number and diverse range of sectors across the economy.
Sectors in which PMCA has extensive project experience include (but are not limited to):
Agriculture and Agri-Business
Agri-inputs, farming and agricultural/rural development policy etc.
Traditional and high-tech industries
Banking and finance, insurance, professional, business, IT etc.
Regulated Markets
Electricity, gas, oil, water, postal, telecoms, network markets, two-sided markets, natural monopolies etc.
Grocery markets, pubs and restaurants, hotels etc.
All stages of education, lifelong learning and technology exchange/innovation between third-level institutions and enterprises
Media and Broadcasting
Including radio, television and wholesale transmission markets
Primary, secondary and tertiary health services, private health insurance, health information and management
Emissions and emissions trading, waste markets, biodiversity, renewable energy, fuel usage and poverty
Voluntary and Charitable Activities
Volunteering and other unpaid work activities
Arts, Creative and Multimedia Industries
Including traditional as well as digital activities within this sector, which includes the crafts sector and its myriad sub-sectors
Sports, Leisure and Entertainment